Friday, April 3, 2009

Baby Room Ideas...

Soo everyday its getting closer.. And I have tones to do.. not only am I still undecided about names..I also still cant decide on the baby room!!.. I'm starting to get a little over whelmed... I Cant even decide on colors.. more or less a theme... Everything I see is pink but a pepdobismal (if thats how you spell that) pink!!.. Ehh... I'm definitily not a fan... Im thinking or going with a chocolate brown and maybe a red instead of pink??.. And since I havent seen any bedding that consist of those to colors.. I might just do a solid color and use lots of other colors to accent it.. instead of having a theme at all... Might just even buy the fabric and get my Granny to make me somthing... At least then it will be closer to what I vision.. In addition to not having a theme or even colors.. I still cant decide on what kind of crib!!.. There are too many to choose from.. and Im leaning more towards a Iron crib.. I love the vintage look.. But then again I like the idea of having a convertible crib that converts to the toddler bed and then into a full size bed.... I really dont know what to do.. Here are some ideas I've gather up..

I really love the round beds.. there my favorite
And I like that they dont take up as much space..
But I'm afraid it might be a little to impractiable.

I just love the way this looks... Sooo late 19th Century.

I love how classic this looks..

I love this cradle!!!.. I wouldnt change a thing about it!!

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