Thursday, April 2, 2009

New to the sport of blogging.. :)

So this is offically my first blog. I've been really intriged by a friend of mines blog.. Its very entertaining so I figured why not give blogging a chance.

Its 5:30.. Im soo ready to leave work but Im still waiting on some last minute emails.. Dont you just love when that happens.. All in all, today has been a rather good day.. Dont have class tonight.. Went and got a massage on my lunch break.. and let me just mention what a good idea it was.. Ahh it was heaven!!.. and I'm ready for another one.. Even though the massage therapist told me that she was amazed at how many knots I have in my back.. I kept trying to explain that setting behind a desk all day can be killer on your body!! lol.. But its true!!.. O-well another massage will have to wait since I can think of about a million other things I could spend $50 bucks on right now.. Majority of the list consisting of clothes :) Although I hate buying clothes right now considering I wont be able to wear them in 3 1/2 months... Yes only 3 1/2 months til I'm offically a mother.. and no longer pregnant.. Believe me it couldnt go by any slower!!.. I'm ready for my matornity leave... and I'm still debating on whether I should take my vaccation before my matornity leave or if I should save my vac days, since I will have a dependent and might be missing more work for her then for myself??.. Not sure what to do yet.. But running outta time.. Well looks like its quitting time.. Just got the last confirmation email for work and now its off to the casa to let out my babies.. Axel and Oreo.. then time to start cleaning house... Ahh.. I want a maid.. lol.. But I guess I'll do for now...

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