Thursday, April 23, 2009

Just Not My Week!!...

Let me just say I have the worst luck and that some people are just plain out assholes!!.. Seriously.. I was driving down the highway and it was at 7:45ish and the sun was just setting.. and I couldnt see anything.. I couldnt even tell where the lanes are on the road.. I had my sunglasses on, squinting my eyes, setting straight up in my seat.. Trying my damnist to stay in my lanes.. There wasnt anyone around.. Just Me and Allison driving in my little mustange..
... And next thing I know.. Where both flying up out of seats... I was in shock.. I just ran over something in the road.. Neither of us saw it.. Until we had already hit-drove over this mysterious object in the road... When we turned around to look and see what it was.. It was someone freaking bumper.. In the middle of the road.. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!.. What kinda idiot doesnt stop and pick up there entire bumper.. WTF???..
I pull off the highway and hesitate about getting outta my car.. I really didnt want to know what damage had just been done.. Seriously... I basically just had a wreck with a bumper.. Is that possible.. not a car.. just the bumper??.. Good thing my car wasnt to bent outta shape.. I dont think my insurance can handle another claim.. Theres some black scratches on my bumper.. and it knocked my left blinker out completely and broke some of the pieces that apparently hold it on, but the light itself is fine.. it even still worked, as it was dragging the ground.. it also riped half my skid guard whatever its called off the bottom of my bumper.. but lucky I have a great handy-dandy friend who came over and crawled up underneath my car and put my blinker back on.. Thank God!

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