Friday, September 25, 2009

My doggies..

Me and My girls at Tobeys.. Not a cute pic of me..

My pup Axel(Brindle Pit) and My moms pup Red (Brown/Grey Catahoula)
When they where pups... there still bffs. lol
My pretty girl Oreo at the Casa!

My Oreo Cookie on my bed!

Axel when he was 9wks at my old house.

Axel 11 wks.
Axel 8 months at my house... I hate the carpet.. Trying to decide what I want to replace it with.. Any suggestions??..

Axel 8 months.. They grow so fast!!!

This Weekend...

Soo... this weekend is Falls Fest!!.. Yay!!!.. Let me just remind you that I just had a baby (July 21st, 09) and so I havent been able to do much of anything in the last oh lets just say yr.. So when things like Falls Fest.. The Carnival.. and Shrinefest are in town I get really excited... I know I know there not that much fun.. But when you havent been outta the house in as long as I me... You think these kinda shyn digs are the shit!.. lol... My mom would much rather baby sit knowing that I am only a phone call away.. verus 2 hours when going to concerts and etc in the metro plex area... But Im sad to say I might not make it to Falls Fest tonight... I know.. Tear.. lol.. I have to work at Mcbrides boo!!.. I never mind working two jobs.. Until my schedule conflicts with something fun going on in town.. Oh well maybe i'll get lucky and get off early.. who knows!!... Im going to leave you with some pics from this yrs and the past years of shrine fest.. Hope you enjoy..
Shrine Fest 09

Shrine Fest 07

The Blogging World...

To the Blogging World...
Sorry I havent been blogging.. Im just not that into it.. Dont get me wrong I love reading other peoples blogs but I just cant ever come up with anything clever enough to blogg about.. But I've decided Im going to give it my 100%.
Okay So today was a very interesting day...
1.)Over Slept
2.)Spanish Test
3.)Ran outta gas

It started off with me over sleeping this morning.. not because I was out partying it up or anything but because I was up all night studying for a Spanish test!!.. Ehh!!...But I think I might have did okay!.. Let me just say that Spanish is not as easy as it sounds... Im a very southern girl.. I was raised in the country.. riding horses.. 4-wheelers.. swimming in the river behind the house... Ive only been out side of the Wichita Falls/Lawton/Metro Plex area like 6x in my entire life... I went to Colorado in 6th grade.. New Mexico Soph yr of high school.. and Mississippi like my Fr yr of College... and Ive been to Austin, Houston, and Galveston.. Once.. Im not a big travel person.. If I have enough free time to pick up and go.. you bet your ass Im gonna be at the lake with a cold beer in my hand.. lol.. But back to the story at hand... So im a southern girl.. and about the only accients I can understand are the ones with a big southern draw at the end... I havent been exposed to much culture other then my own and those Ive grown up around.. and although Im trying to be open to diversity with in language, apperance, morals, values, and etc.. Spanish just makes me wanna give up.. but after the test today I think my spirits may be a little up lifted.. I think I might have passed!!.. (which is good bc I wasnt expecting better then the 40-50 ranage.. and Ive never in my life failed a class or made below a 75 on a test.. so you can understand my anguish.)
After my test.. I was driving down maplewood.. still in panic mood from my test.. and I was talking to my Aunt D on the phone.. When my car started puttering.. and sure enough i ran outta gas.. right in the middle of maplewood.. bc like the blonde that I am.. when i started puttering I realize I was right infront of the gas station (you know the Shell on the corner of maplewood and southwest pkwy) so I hoping I can make it just one quick left turn.. not even 20ft away... So i make the left turn.. get far enough into the on coming traffic lane and my car dies.. So not only did I run outta gas but now Im blocking two lanes of traffic.. so embrassing lucky a man driving by stoped and then a guy from the gas station ran over and they gave me a push... Ive never in my life ran outta gas... Sooo not kool... Enough about my day... heres some pictures of my baby girl.. Miss Calie Ray Sutton (Newest to Oldest)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A to Z about Me..

Its been so long since Ive posted.. sooo heres a little Survey A to Z about Me..

A- Age: 21.. 3 more weeks and It'll be 22
B- Bed Size: Queen.. Same bed since 5th grade.. Still in love with it.. Thanks Daddy!
C-Chore I hate: Dishes.. Steam Cleaning the carpet!!
D-Dog's name: Oreo Cookie.. and Axel.. My Axel Rose.. lol.
E-Essential starts to your day: Big glass of Sweet Tea.. then off to taking the dogs O-U-T.. Then off to take a shower.
F-Favorite Color: Black!!.. then a blood/deep red.
G-Gold, Silver, or Platinum: White Gold.
I-Instrument I play: The Radio.. lol.
J-Job Title: Office Manager
K- Kids: 2 more weeks and Ms. Calie Ray Sutton will be here!!
L-Living Arrangements: Live by myself.. Just me my two pit bulls.. not to much longer it will be Calie, Me and the two doggies.
M-Moms name: Denise Lynn Sutton
N-Nicknames: Case.. and Rosebud
O-Overnight stays in the hospital other than birth: None at the moment but thats about to change.
P-Pet Peeves: Dogs!!.. lol.. Dirty dishes.. dirty house.. messy closet.. bab drivers.. seriously you can turn right on red.. and left on red if turning off a one way and onto a one way.. I swear they must not teach that in drivers ed anymore!!
Q-Quote from a Movie: Umm theres so many!!.. Lets see.. I think it goes something like this.. "I gave my heart away once.. My whole heart... and I never really got it back".. Sweet Home Alabama.. Soo need to watch that movie again.. Been thinking about it for about a month now!!
R: Right or Left handed: Righty
S-Siblings: One Awesome Big Sister... Shelly Rena Sutton.. I owe so much to her!!
T- Time you wake up: Usually at 6:00a.m during the week.. but normally whenever I wake up on the weekends
U- Underwear: Whatevers clean.. lol
V- Vegetable I dislike: Spinach unless its in the dip from cheddars.. love it!!
W-Ways I run late: When I spend to long getting ready... and when Axel wont get in his damn Kennel and I have to chase him around the house.. Sooo annoying!!
X-x-rays I've had: My thumb.. My foot.. My lungs.. i think thats about it.
Y-Yummy food I make: Haha.. good one.. lets see I would have to say Roman Noodles... Thats about the only thing I can cook!! lol.
Z-Zoo favorite: Lions.. and Monkeys!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Just Not My Week!!...

Let me just say I have the worst luck and that some people are just plain out assholes!!.. Seriously.. I was driving down the highway and it was at 7:45ish and the sun was just setting.. and I couldnt see anything.. I couldnt even tell where the lanes are on the road.. I had my sunglasses on, squinting my eyes, setting straight up in my seat.. Trying my damnist to stay in my lanes.. There wasnt anyone around.. Just Me and Allison driving in my little mustange..
... And next thing I know.. Where both flying up out of seats... I was in shock.. I just ran over something in the road.. Neither of us saw it.. Until we had already hit-drove over this mysterious object in the road... When we turned around to look and see what it was.. It was someone freaking bumper.. In the middle of the road.. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!.. What kinda idiot doesnt stop and pick up there entire bumper.. WTF???..
I pull off the highway and hesitate about getting outta my car.. I really didnt want to know what damage had just been done.. Seriously... I basically just had a wreck with a bumper.. Is that possible.. not a car.. just the bumper??.. Good thing my car wasnt to bent outta shape.. I dont think my insurance can handle another claim.. Theres some black scratches on my bumper.. and it knocked my left blinker out completely and broke some of the pieces that apparently hold it on, but the light itself is fine.. it even still worked, as it was dragging the ground.. it also riped half my skid guard whatever its called off the bottom of my bumper.. but lucky I have a great handy-dandy friend who came over and crawled up underneath my car and put my blinker back on.. Thank God!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Well I havent "blogged" in awhile.. And I still dont have anything to exciting to write about... I was looking at my previous post.. and the last time I posted it was about my new obession.. Well the obession fizzled out.. I read the 1st 2 books and I absolutely loved the 2nd book.. It took me all of 3 days to finish reading it... As soon as I closed the book I had my keys in my hand walking out the door headed to hasting to buy the next book!.. I bought the book and started reading, about 150-200 pgs in I realized that I was missing something... Like the characters in the book kept refering back to somthing I had no idea about.. and I was lost.. Then I realized that I must of had a blonde moment when standing the book isle.. Because my DA bought the 4th book instead of the 3rd!.. Let me just say I was soooo pissed off at my self!!.. I was already too into and too far into the 4th book to just stop.. Soo.. I kept reading it!.. and buy the last 100 pages of the book I was soo pissed off with how the story was playing out that I completely stop reading and havent touched it since!!!..
The previous book that I read had a completely different story line.. I mean not completely different but was at a different part of the plot. Obiviously you need to read the 3rd book in order to be intriguely following the new direction of the plot. But I wasnt ready for where the plot was taking me.. I was still back in the 2nd book.. still developing my interest in different characters.. that I didnt like or understand or even new exisited in the 4th book!!.. I'm still not sure how the story is going to end.. But I do know I wasnt very happy with the direction it was going in.

On to a different subject.... Only 3 more months left.. I can not wait!!.. Not only because I will finally get to meet the little girl who's been adviolictly kicking me for the past 2 months.. but also because I can not wait to have my body back to myself!!.. Who ever tells you that they loved being pregnant is CRAZY!!.. I hate it!!.. My back is consently hurting.. I cant fit into any of my jeans.. My morning sickness still hasnt went away.. Im always sleepy.. My body is gaining weight in the werdist places.. I finally have boobs.. But then again the rest on top of my stomach.. Not exactly what I had imange.. haha.. And let me just say I could go on and on.. But I do love being able to feel her move.. Now that's crazy!!.. Everyone kepts telling me that in about a month or so when she moves you'll be able to see it.. Like it will be so obvious that my shirt even moves a lil with her.... I wonder who that gonna feel??.. Only 3 more months to go!!.. but I still have alot to do :(

Monday, April 6, 2009

My New Obession

Goodmorning... Just got outta class and arrived at work.. This weekend was the same as always.. but I did find a new obession.. Its been a nearly two yrs since i finished the last and final Harry Potter book.. lol.. Yes I said Harry Potter.. I know, its sad, I'm only a few months shy of being 22 and Im still have a infactuation with the Harry Potter series.. But anyways.. I havent be able to find a book or author that I loved reading since the JK Rowlings, Harry Potter series.. I absolutlely fell head over heals with her literal style and read the first four books in less the two months.. after finishing the all six and waiting year by year for the movies the catch up with books, I realized that I was truely obbessed..I was highly dissappointed when I the last booked was published.. I honsetly didnt want to read the book, the reason being, it would be the end of new "hobby".. but this still wasnt enough encouragement, and I did buy and finish the last book.. At least I still had the movies to look forward too.. lol.. That was until I recently discovered a new literary masterpiece.. lol.. or just another obession.. I just started reading the Twilight book series.. Last week me and several of my girlfriends rented Twilight and kinda made a girls night outta of it.. I've been longing to see the movie since the previews.. Let me just mention that "Edward" one the main characters, plays the perfect vampire.. You just cant help but fall in love with is mistirous, but yet werid character.. After the movie, Twilight the first book, I decide that I couldn't wait to see the next movie, and just like that, my obession tiggered.. Just like when I went and saw the first Harry Potter movie, The Socerors Stone, with my sister years ago... I went ahead and skipped the first book Twilight.. and bought the second book in the series, the Cold One.. The idea of reading the first book, Twilight, after already watching the movie would have just prolonged my yearning to indulge my obession... I had to know more.. I bought the book on Sat night, Its nearly 600 pages.. and I havent been able to put it down since... I'm already on page 370 somthing and I cant wait to crack it open again.. Im about to investigate further, how many books are actually in the series.. Well.. Back to work.. But just an encouraging thought.. If you like reading but dont truely know what style of books you like reading.. try out Twilight I promise it well take your imagination and run with it.. PS Im a terrible speller.. Sorry!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Already off work for the day.. But had to come back to scan a Water Board letter bc the guys in the field are plugging a well and didnt have a copy of it for the RRC guy.. But now I'm about to leave but just thought I leave you with a thoughtful quote.....

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves." Abraham Lincoln

...... Probably wont see you til Monday... Casie

Baby Room Ideas...

Soo everyday its getting closer.. And I have tones to do.. not only am I still undecided about names..I also still cant decide on the baby room!!.. I'm starting to get a little over whelmed... I Cant even decide on colors.. more or less a theme... Everything I see is pink but a pepdobismal (if thats how you spell that) pink!!.. Ehh... I'm definitily not a fan... Im thinking or going with a chocolate brown and maybe a red instead of pink??.. And since I havent seen any bedding that consist of those to colors.. I might just do a solid color and use lots of other colors to accent it.. instead of having a theme at all... Might just even buy the fabric and get my Granny to make me somthing... At least then it will be closer to what I vision.. In addition to not having a theme or even colors.. I still cant decide on what kind of crib!!.. There are too many to choose from.. and Im leaning more towards a Iron crib.. I love the vintage look.. But then again I like the idea of having a convertible crib that converts to the toddler bed and then into a full size bed.... I really dont know what to do.. Here are some ideas I've gather up..

I really love the round beds.. there my favorite
And I like that they dont take up as much space..
But I'm afraid it might be a little to impractiable.

I just love the way this looks... Sooo late 19th Century.

I love how classic this looks..

I love this cradle!!!.. I wouldnt change a thing about it!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

New to the sport of blogging.. :)

So this is offically my first blog. I've been really intriged by a friend of mines blog.. Its very entertaining so I figured why not give blogging a chance.

Its 5:30.. Im soo ready to leave work but Im still waiting on some last minute emails.. Dont you just love when that happens.. All in all, today has been a rather good day.. Dont have class tonight.. Went and got a massage on my lunch break.. and let me just mention what a good idea it was.. Ahh it was heaven!!.. and I'm ready for another one.. Even though the massage therapist told me that she was amazed at how many knots I have in my back.. I kept trying to explain that setting behind a desk all day can be killer on your body!! lol.. But its true!!.. O-well another massage will have to wait since I can think of about a million other things I could spend $50 bucks on right now.. Majority of the list consisting of clothes :) Although I hate buying clothes right now considering I wont be able to wear them in 3 1/2 months... Yes only 3 1/2 months til I'm offically a mother.. and no longer pregnant.. Believe me it couldnt go by any slower!!.. I'm ready for my matornity leave... and I'm still debating on whether I should take my vaccation before my matornity leave or if I should save my vac days, since I will have a dependent and might be missing more work for her then for myself??.. Not sure what to do yet.. But running outta time.. Well looks like its quitting time.. Just got the last confirmation email for work and now its off to the casa to let out my babies.. Axel and Oreo.. then time to start cleaning house... Ahh.. I want a maid.. lol.. But I guess I'll do for now...